Konzertstück No 2, Brandt - Sergei Nakariakov, Hércules Brass Ensemble & Christian Lindberg
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Konzertstück No. 2, Vassily Brandt arr. David Rivas & Juan L. Roig
Sergei Nakariakov, trompeta
Hércules Brass Ensemble
Christian Lindberg, director
Grabación en directo en el VIII Festival Hércules Brass Celanova - 5 de agosto de 2022
Claustro del Monasterio de San Salvador, Celanova (España)
Alejandro Vázquez
Victor M. Vilariño
Roberto Bodí
Manuel Fernández
Alberto Busto
Nicolás Gómez
Juanma Gómez
Javier González
Jon Etterbeek
Athos Castellan
Tino Núñez
Esteban Méndez
Gianluca Grosso
Óscar Justo
Manuel Sánchez
Miguel Pérez
Realización de Antonio Cid / RDC Producciones
Ingeniero de sonido Pablo Barreiro
Producción de Christian Lindberg y European Gramophone Видеоклипы
A trombone master being the director
Absolutely fab Flügel playing too.
A once in a century talent. Stellar trumpet playing.
Amazing. The whole ensemble.
I play trumpet and like to compare myself to somebody of this caliber. The comparison is that my trumpets are also made of metal. The comparison pretty much ends there.
4:40 the end of the Andante Quasi Largo movement with Sergi’s exquisitely sustained note and the final ensemble chord is so perfect. Simply fantastic!
I love how the flashiness is all in his playing rather than his body and face expressions.
Even his trumpet is old and tarnished.
@@AncientRe I'm sure it's top of the line, but new and untarnished it is not.
@@C5Z06CarGuy As the other person said, it's raw brass with a clear lacquer, this is literally how it looks the moment you get it
@@Sphagetti__ How much do you want to bet?
@@C5Z06CarGuy A couple million. There is a video of one "anrapa" titled 'AR Resonance Sergei Nakariakov Trumpet Model' where he is holding this exact trumpet with it looking exactly as untarnished as it does in the video
So, so very good! I had the privilege of watching him in Cape Town about 20 years ago.
The true heir of Timofei Dokschitzer! 🎉👏👏
Да, советская школа игры на трубе до сих пор жива!👋👍
Феноменально, гениально и музыкально. Брависсимо!!!
Perfecto todo. Pith, ensamble, solista.
Bravo Sergei, un crak acompañado de una fabulosa Brass Ensemble.
Un crack 💯
The man!!! Every cell in this guy is music!!
I wish he would perform Peskin's Trumpet Concerto, Abblasen, Allen Vizzutti's Cascades, Brandenburg someday, just like this performance, with a proper recording.
Those pieces with Sergei Nakariakov would be wonderful. I'd especially enjoy Sergei playing the Peskin with his pristine and unique expression. I feel Maurice André will always be the gold standard for Brandenburg 2, and likewise for Allen Vizzutti, but hearing Sergei's interpretation and sound would be incredibly interesting.
Eu gostaria que ele tocasse Carnaval de Vênus de Allen Vizzutti.
Gran trompetista y una gran actuación de los metales👏👏👏.
He is too genial 😭😍
Love the music ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂👍👍👍👍👍
Linda emissão de nota. 🤩
Does anyone know what Sergei is wearing in this clip? It looks quite nice
😮Simplesmente lindíssimo
awesome 🎉🎉🎉
How is it possible to play like this? Wowww
Here's the secret of all horn players.
By the time you hear it he/she has played it a few times.
Maybe a thousand....
Bravo 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
god DAMN the tounging im in AWE
…does Sergei have this memorized? Am I missing something
What kind of trumpet is this (builder/model)?
I think it's an AR Resonance trumpet, not sure which specific model.
Ar resonance "sergey nakariakov"
Where are the microphones?
Look at min 2:46… at the top in the right corner! We always record the concert with ambient microphones
Gott verteilt ungleichmäßig
Can someone explain to me the purpose of the conductor?
In rehearsals, the conductor usually gives lots of instructions how he wants things played, style, volume, tempo, interpretations, and such. For example, there is a notable trumpet solo in Gershwin's "American in Paris" and a conductor will say if they want it played in a "jazz" style or a "Can Can" style. During the performance, the conductor makes sure everything is going per the plan, not just tempo, but everything, and, if not, he will communicate corrections. Or even might make changes on the fly. For example, George Solti was director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for 22 years but had also been director of the London Philharmonic for a period. Much of the London Philharmonic did not particularly care for his style. If you listen to the same classic piece under ten different conductors, you will hear ten different results. Sometimes very different results.
Asking him would be the smart thing to do. This is Mr. Christian Lindberg.... A good resolution would be to dream of being able to repeat the luxury of living it again live.
Grazie mille!
Looks like a Monette trumpet
AR resonance
not a Monette, sorry
Flugel guy looks like sitting in the bar.
Todo bien,lastima que toque la trompeta para abajp,posicion avestruz asustado.
Lo invito a que lea la biografía y se entere de su historia del porqué toca así, por otro lado me parece gracioso cómo "sin querer queriendo" invalida su interpretación sólo por su postura jaja
@@juandiegoacostapulido Bueno asi tocan los trompetistas clasicos,los trompetistas que tocamos salsa brava o jazz tocamos de forma vertical,igual se respeta
@@felixtorres505 Y es que importa? En serio que es innecesario que haga ese tipo de comentarios cuando la interpretación del músico ya de por sí es casi que excelente, entonces no sé esa idea de la "postura", nuevamente, lea la biografía de Sergei, no lo hace por ser "clásico", que por otro lado no sé de dónde saco que los trompetistas clásicos tocan con esa postura, jajajajaj
El gran felix Torres juzgando a Sergey ! Incluso Arturo Sandoval y Til Brönner ven a Sergey como un fantástico e inigualable trompetista ! Muy bien felix !!
@@ernestofernandezlara5654 Solo verlo tocar con esa posicion de la trompeta para abajo (posicion avetruz asustado)se me escarapela el cuerpo del miedo.Bueno quizas para musica clasica sirve,pero no para otros estilos modernos.Yo no digo que estos asiaticos no dominen sus instrumentos,estos tienen muchisima tecnica pero no tienen filling.Disculpen es mi parecer,cada cosa en su sitio.
Facet zasuwa z pamięci po całej skali. Ma nieco jazzowy dźwięk albo trochę zmęczone usta. Pełne oddanie się trąbce i muzyce. Brawo Sergiej!!!