I may sound ancient to many in here talking about blogs, but if you're older like me you may have come across this blog called Male Masturbation Techniques back in the late 2000s - early 2010s. This was one of my first contacts with the topic of masturbation in a deeper way than what textbooks at school or dictionaries would tell me about. At the same time it was an introduction to a different kind of porn videos: solos.
I first stumbled upon this site probably around 2008 - 2009. The world, and particularly the internet was completely different than what we know today. The author of this blog, who went by the name of Flipper used to talk about, well, different masturbation techniques as the name of the blog says, focusing on specific parts of the male anatomy, like the penis, the foreskin, the scrotum, the anus, etc. But the nice touch about it was that he would almost always accompany his entries with either an image or a gif, or if we were lucky enough, a link to a porn video either to the actual page or a direct download link. Which I think it's the whole reason while it ended up closing (before porn wasn't allowed), because of the whole copyright thing. But as I said, he started around a time when the internet was very different, and it was the norm to download or stream any kind of media "illegally" everywhere.
But anyways, it was a shame to see it gone, because when I was younger I would check his entries religiously. It was both arousing and enlightening, as I would go and try myself everything he posted (or whatever I could, since there were some more advanced techniques I couldn't do or homemade sex toys I couldn't make myself).
If I've defended something on my time on the internet is that there needs to be more education regarding masturbation for teenagers. It's such a fundamental thing in the lives of people in general, that it's unbelievable to me it's still so taboo. Growing up no one should feel confused or scared about it. They should all have the knowledge and tools to understand what they may experience, just like how they're educated about having sex with other people (even if it's just for reproduction purposes). Why are they learning about sexual relationships or even thinking about it when they don't even know what masturbation is, what it's supposed to feel like, the different techniques they could try, etc.
I'm just glad that years later I was actually able to contact Flipper via email to thank him for the work he put during several years on this blog. Sadly it seems like he didn't continue this journey somewhere else as he gave up after the whole copyright thing. I wish he could've continued even if it was just text entries without video, or that he would instead just link to the official website that hosted the video, but oh well.
If you're interested you can check it out on Wayback Machine (Internet Archive). Unfortunately it didn't keep all the entries, but there's still some links up, you just gotta browse through it. Male Masturbation Techniques
At 31 I feel like time has flown. I make myself believe that those years feel like yesterday, until I actually think about it and realize how different everything is, as I said, the world, the internet, but also myself. I long for those years when I started my personal journey of self-discovery, but I also miss the simpler times of blogsites, finding random pages online, when the internet was kind of anonymous, not so social media and mobile centered. I also appreciate the Internet Archive for existing and keeping even if just a glimpse of that past, that looks so unrecognizable today. Though I wish I knew about the archive before, so I could've made the effort to save the pages that were important to me.
I first stumbled upon this site probably around 2008 - 2009. The world, and particularly the internet was completely different than what we know today. The author of this blog, who went by the name of Flipper used to talk about, well, different masturbation techniques as the name of the blog says, focusing on specific parts of the male anatomy, like the penis, the foreskin, the scrotum, the anus, etc. But the nice touch about it was that he would almost always accompany his entries with either an image or a gif, or if we were lucky enough, a link to a porn video either to the actual page or a direct download link. Which I think it's the whole reason while it ended up closing (before porn wasn't allowed), because of the whole copyright thing. But as I said, he started around a time when the internet was very different, and it was the norm to download or stream any kind of media "illegally" everywhere.
But anyways, it was a shame to see it gone, because when I was younger I would check his entries religiously. It was both arousing and enlightening, as I would go and try myself everything he posted (or whatever I could, since there were some more advanced techniques I couldn't do or homemade sex toys I couldn't make myself).
If I've defended something on my time on the internet is that there needs to be more education regarding masturbation for teenagers. It's such a fundamental thing in the lives of people in general, that it's unbelievable to me it's still so taboo. Growing up no one should feel confused or scared about it. They should all have the knowledge and tools to understand what they may experience, just like how they're educated about having sex with other people (even if it's just for reproduction purposes). Why are they learning about sexual relationships or even thinking about it when they don't even know what masturbation is, what it's supposed to feel like, the different techniques they could try, etc.
I'm just glad that years later I was actually able to contact Flipper via email to thank him for the work he put during several years on this blog. Sadly it seems like he didn't continue this journey somewhere else as he gave up after the whole copyright thing. I wish he could've continued even if it was just text entries without video, or that he would instead just link to the official website that hosted the video, but oh well.
If you're interested you can check it out on Wayback Machine (Internet Archive). Unfortunately it didn't keep all the entries, but there's still some links up, you just gotta browse through it. Male Masturbation Techniques
At 31 I feel like time has flown. I make myself believe that those years feel like yesterday, until I actually think about it and realize how different everything is, as I said, the world, the internet, but also myself. I long for those years when I started my personal journey of self-discovery, but I also miss the simpler times of blogsites, finding random pages online, when the internet was kind of anonymous, not so social media and mobile centered. I also appreciate the Internet Archive for existing and keeping even if just a glimpse of that past, that looks so unrecognizable today. Though I wish I knew about the archive before, so I could've made the effort to save the pages that were important to me.